Neglis Aplastic Anemia

Neglis Aplastic Anemia is a disease that affects the bone marrow and results in its losing its ability to replenish blood cells. This is usually caused by other bone marrow disorders which leaves them unable to function properly (for instance lupus which causes the immune system to attack the healthy cells in the bone marrow) and can be acquired (which accounts for 80% of cases) or inherited (20%).

In a case such as neglis aplastic anemia caused by lupus the condition could be treated using immunosuppressive treatments which suppress the immune system and thereby prevent it from having negative effects. Another cause for neglis aplastic anemia is exposure to radioactivity which could occur during chemical treatments or industrial radioactivity. This can attack cells too and eventually break through the cell walls and damage the DNA. Other causes are pregnancy and HIV, though in these cases the neglis aplastic anemia might occur temporarily and then disappear. In some cases neglis aplastic anemia can be potentially fatal as patients are unable to replenish their supply of blood cells to carry oxygen around the body and to fight disease etc.

Neglis Aplastic Anemia Symptoms

Someone suffering from a lack of healthy blood cells will have insufficient oxygen flowing around their body. Thus they will likely feel exhausted and they will also find that their wounds do not clot and are slow to heal. You might also feel dizziness and shortness of breath, and have the symptoms of low blood pressure. As well as lacking oxygen, neglis aplastic anemia will also result in a loss of other blood cells. For instance minor wounds could result in the loss of large amounts of blood due to a shortage of platelets in the body. This might also result in excessive bruising. Meanwhile a lack of white blood cells which are used for fighting infections and diseases will leave patients susceptible to a range of infections and fevers. Some other symptoms might include pale skin (particularly under the eyelid and the nail where it is normally redder), sickness and rashes.

Neglis Aplastic Anemia Treatment

In mild cases treatment may not be necessary. However in more severe cases it can pose a serious threat and it’s very important to get immediate treatment. Blood transfusions can be used in order to address the immediate symptoms of the condition by rejuvenating the blood cell counts temporarily however it is not a permanent solution. At the same time medications might be prescribed in order to stimulate the bone marrow, suppress the immune system (if that is the cause of the problem) and to treat infections that might have occurred as a result of the low white blood cell count.

In some cases neglis aplastic anemia can be cured permanently through stem cell transplants in the bone marrow and blood which replaces the damaged cells with new ones. Here the stem cells are donated and are inserted via a tube going into a vein in your chest. However the procedure is quite taxing on the body and is not suitable for everyone – it will not for instance be advisable for most elderly patients and it can sometimes result in complications following the procedure in such cases.

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